Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® Packaging Evolution

Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING®

Current Packaging in Mainland China

Faced with the imitation of our product packaging by some merchants in the market, we are well aware that this is not only a challenge to our brand but also a potential threat to consumer rights.

To avoid consumers mistakenly purchasing counterfeit products, we have decided to comprehensively upgrade the packaging for the mainland market.

The current packaging of Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® in mainland China is the white arc design that started being used in 2017.

This packaging not only optimizes the sealing of the pharmaceutical packaging but also helps consumers accurately distinguish Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® from other imitations.

Historical Packaging Changes of Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING®

The story of Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® began in 1972 Taiwan Province of China, with the birth of a product named “美膚乳膏,” which marked the start of our legend.

In 1989, we launched the first can of Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® in mainland China, opening a new chapter for Bao Shu Tang in the mainland market.

From 1991 to 2001, Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® underwent several packaging design changes.

In 2003, in accordance with legal mandatory regulations, we changed the product name to Compound Camphor Cream, while retaining the previous name “BAO FU LING” and using the now-familiar blue outer packaging.

In 2007, we further adjusted the packaging, removing the keyword “Former Name: BAO FU LING,” but to maintain consumer familiarity, we still retained the “BAO FU LING®” pinyin trademark.

In 2016, to improve the sealing of the drug storage, we introduced a white transparent acrylic bottle packaging, and starting in 2017, we adopted a more modern and simple white arc packaging, which has been used to this day.

Global Sales Packaging of Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING®

Globally, Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® appears in various countries and regions with different faces. In some places, we have retained the English and traditional Chinese versions of the BAO FU LING® blue outer packaging, while in other places, we have adopted green outer packaging to adapt to the local market.

Although the packaging colors vary, we consistently use the white arc bottle design to ensure global brand consistency.

In the global market, Bao Shu Tang BAO FU LING® is presented under different generic and brand names, such as Skin Treasure Cream in the Philippines, Advanced Healing Skin Cream in Canada, “複方樟腦乳膏” in Hong Kong, China, and Compound Skincare Cream in Malaysia, each product carrying our commitment to quality.